So, if you are anything like me, you probably felt a bit called out by this video. At least I know I was when my preacher played it before he started his sermon in a series called “Pause: Sabbath R.E.S.T.” (Shoutout to Pastor Craig). I’ll save you some time and give you that acronym.
Resistance to unrelenting productivity
Engaging with God
Time with God
Reflections and Takeaways
As the long year of January finally comes to a close, let me just say thank God. I had a rough 3/4 weeks of it and was pretty much physically unwell in some aspect during the majority of the month. Now, my grandmother tells me that that’s God’s way of telling me that I need to rest. And as each Sunday came along, I would listen to my preacher telling me and tons of others to do the same thing.
If you believe in the lie that you=your productivity then this one might be for you.
Struggling with Stillness
Psalms 46:10 NKJV“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth!”
Now, I am all for this Bible verse and even applying it to my life…except for those two first words. “Be still” Being still can seem very daunting to me. As my preacher was preaching on being still, my leg was bouncing up and down, I was clicking my pen, AND I was chewing gum. I have a hard time being still. I have a hard time resting. So why was God making me physically rest the majority of this month and using my preacher to reiterate what he was saying as if I needed to hear it twice?!
A couple of points stood out to me from this sermon series. For one, I obviously needed to rest, and God was making sure I knew that, but for two there are some benefits that are so worth the “task” of being still.
- We get to acknowledge God for who He is and reframe our perspective
- We get to spend time with the Creator and Lover of our souls
- We discover and experience peace and purpose
I can’t miss out on ANY of this. I decided to be more intentional with my Sabbath time (and no, I am not talking about just on Sunday). What we can do to rest is a different reality than we might think. By trusting that God will provide even when it’s a busy week, and I have assignments due, dishes in the sink, a tough day at work, and a seemingly full schedule, we can make time to R.E.S.T. Resting isn’t doing nothing. Rest is exactly what the acronym stands for-yes, sometimes it is being still. But, sometimes, it is being still by changing the activity you are doing into an activity that requires you to acknowledge God. So what did I do to commemorate the end of this sermon series?
I R.E.S.T.ed I got out my journal and reflected on this sermon series. Took out all the church bulletins with my notes that I take every Sunday, and I wrote down my thoughts. I prayed about my reflections, then, I did something scary. I SAT STILL. Outside. For a whole 15 minutes. It was fine. I was fine. Feeling refreshed, I reflected on the rest, and I wanted to create something to reflect this rest. So, I Bible Journaled-something that I wish I had more time to do and always find so peaceful and wholesome. Let me share that with you in hopes that you feel inspired to R.E.S.T.

Love it!! I just listened to this sermon the other day and have the R.E.S.T. Acronym on a sticky note in my room!! And definitely needed the reminder to be still in what felt like the craziest month!! Also- you didn’t tell me you were an artist!! Love ya and always proud of you!💖💖- your biggest fan!!